Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

– Goethe

Two thoughts about that famous quote:

  • There is magical power in beginnings. So much can flow from that first step, but for some reason, we hesitate, and wait for the perfect moment. Often that perfect moment never comes and the dream dies, resurfacing as regret, when it’s too late to move forward.
  • Sometimes we know we want to move in a new direction, but don’t know exactly how it is going to turn out, so… we don’t take that first step.  Truth is, it’s almost impossible to know how it will turn out, as life intervenes with its inevitable twists and turns.

Here’s a suggestion: Look at the first step as an experiment. Try something, and see what happens. You may be surprised and the magic begins.  Or you may just move on to the next experiment.

Be bold, experiment and keep your life moving to be fully authentic and energized!